Home of the official M❤NSTER zine!
M♥nster is a monthly monster romance magazine which focuses on romance and sexual encounters involving one or more “monstrous” nonhuman/paranormal beings (such as vampires, werewolves, dragons, aliens, robots, and so on).
M♥nster accepts both fiction and artwork centered around the theme of monster romance, as described above. We accept all genres — science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, and even historical fiction are all good so long as the submission focuses on the relationship between involving the nonhuman character. We accept both fanworks and original content, SFW and NSFW content, and content that has been previously shared elsewhere.
Writers! Most of the short stories we accept run anywhere from 300 to 3,000 words in length. We are also willing to work with serial fiction that is published in installments over a series of different editions.
Artists! M♥nster accepts both standalone artwork and standalone or serial comics. Comic submissions are a maximum of 8 pages per comic per edition.
Although pro-kink, M♥nster does not accept any kind of content that:
Because M♥nster features sexually explicit content, we only accept creative work from those who are 18 years of age or older.
You’ll want to access and fill out the appropriate Google Form from the links below, which will guide you through the first step of the submission process.
Writers! M♥nster accepts written submissions as both .docx files and Google documents, or you can copy/paste the text of your story into the appropriate field in the Google form linked above.
Artists! Our preferred file format for images is PNG, and our preferred color profile is RGB (which is better suited for screen viewing than CMYK). Currently, as we are a digital-only publication, we can be very flexible and do not have any rules regarding canvas sizes.
Submissions close on the last day of the month, and you will receive word of whether or not your work has been accepted on the 1st or 2nd day of the following month. Over the next week or so, depending on your preferences, you will receive feedback on your submission and have the opportunity to make edits and revisions. Your submission needs to be finalized on the 7th. The edition that your submission will be featured in will be released on the 10th day of the month after our editors finish the layout. Late submissions will roll over to the next issue.
M♥nster attempts to create a diverse range of monster-focused content in each edition; if we have 8 werewolf submissions, for example, we can’t publish all of them in one edition and will need to space them out over several different monthly editions. If your submission isn’t accepted one month, you are welcome to re-submit the following month.
Yes! If you submit artwork or creative writing to M♥nster, you retain full ownership over your work for all time. If you later decide to publish elsewhere and the publisher demands sole publication rights, we can remove your work from M♥nster.